Carbon Steel ANSI Standard Flange
Carbon Steel Welding Neck Flange
Forged Steel Plate Welding Flange
PN4.0 DN100 WN Forged Steel Flange
ASME B16.5 Carbon Steel Blind Flange
24 150# blind flange dimensions
ansi B16.5 150 bl forged flange spectacle blind flange
ANSI Stainless Steel Welding Neck Flange
Stainless Steel Forging Flanges with ANSI
Carbon Steel Forged Process Steel Plate Flange
Forged Steel EN1092-1 PN16 Type11 Flange
Forged Process EN1092-1 PN10 Flange
Carbon Steel Forged ANSI B16.5 Slip-on Flange
Carbon Steel Forged Plate Flange
Forging Plate Carbon Steel Flange
carbon steel forged ASME B16.5 standard flange
Q235 Steel Welding Neck Flange
Carbon Steel Forged Flange ASME Standard
Threaded Carbon Steel Forged Flange
carbon steel forged high pressure flange
EN1092-1 PN10 Q235 Carbon Steel Flange
High Quality Forging Steel Flange
class 600 carbon steel slip-on flange
class 600 carbon steel forged socket welding flange
Class 600 Carbon Steel Forged Threaded Flange
JIS 10k Carbon Steel Forged Flange
Carbon Steel Forged Flange JIS Standard
JIS Carbon Steel Forged Flange
10K JIS standard forged flange
16K JIS standard SLIP-On carbon steel forged flange
Q235 FORGED WELDING FLANGE( so, wn, plate, blind )- ASTM,DIN,JIS,GOST flange
JIS 5KG Slip-on Carbon Steel Forged Flange
JIS 10KG slip-on carbon steel flange
High Quality carbon steel forged jis 16k flange
Carbon steel flange ASTM A105 Blind flange
Carbon Steel Forged ASTM A105 SO Flange
BS4504 PN10 Carbon Steel Forged ASTM A105 Flange
Carbon Steel Forged ASTM A105 Blind Flange
Carbon Steel Forged ASTM A105 Lap joint Flange
Carbon Steel Forged ASTM A105 Socket welding Flange
A105 Carbon Steel Forged PL flange
A105 ASME B16.5 Carbon steel forged flange
carbon steel forged 20# slip-on flange
ASME B16.5 Carbon Steel Forged 20# Welding Neck Flange
Carbon Steel ASME B16.5 Threaded 20# flange
Lap Joint Carbon Steel 20# ANSI Flange
Carbon steel forged 20# lap joint flange
Carbon steel forged 20# blind flange
Carbon Steel 20# DN100 PN16 BS Standard Flange
PN10 carbon steel 20# forged plate flange
PN10 carbon steel 20# forged slip-on flange
stainless steel SS304 and WN flange
Stainless Steel Duplex Butt Welding Flange
BS Stainless Steel Welding Neck Flange
ASME B16.5 Stainless Steel SS304 Flange
JISB2220-1984 Stainless Steel Flange SS304
Din 2573 Stainless Steel Flanslar Ss 304
GOST 12820-80 Stainless Steel flange SS304
GOST 12821-80 Stainless Steel flange SS304
flanges weld on pipes SS316 flange DIN2573
high quality astm ss316 stainless steel flange
ASME B16.5 Stainless Steel SS316 Flange
JISB2220-1984 10K Stainless Steel Flange SS316
DIN2527 Stainless Steel Blind flange SS316 Flange
GOST 12821-80 PN25 Stainless Steel flange SS316
EN1092-1 PN16 Type01-Type21 Stainless Steel SS316 Flange
UNI2282 PN16 Stainless Steel flange SS316
Ansi B16.5 Stainless Steel Flange
ANSI B16.5 Large Bore Flanges Dimensions
ANSI B16.5 stainless steel flange
Ansi stainless flange blind flange
ASME B16.5 Socket Welding stainless steel flange
SORF Stainless steel flange asme b16. 5 class 150
WNRF Stainless steel flange Q235 asme b16. 5 class 150
ANSI B16.5 Standard Stainless Steel Flange
Stainless Steel Slip-on Flange With High Quality
Ansi B16.5 Class900 Stainless Steel Flange
Ansi B16.5 Class1500 Stainless Steel Flange
Stainless Steel Forging Flange
Ansi 304 Stainless Steel Flange Forged
Stainless Steel Forged Flange SS310
Standard Stainless Steel Flange
EN1092-1 Stainless Steel Forging Flange
EN1092-1 Type 01 Plate Stainless Steel Forging Flange
Stainless steel forging flat welding Standard Flange
Stainless Steel And Welding Neck Forging Flange
Stainless Steel Forged Blind Flange
WNRF asme b16. 5 class 150 Stainless steel forged flange
5K Flange Forging Flange JIS Flang SOP Flange
5K SOP Flange Carbon steel Flange Blind Flange
JIS 5K Flange Blind Flange Carbon steel Flange
JIS Slip on flange Blind disk Forging flange
JIS Carbon Steel 5K SOP Flange
JIS B2220-1984 5K SOP Carbon Steel Flange
Sop Flange Q235 Carbon steel Flange JIS
JIS 10K Carbon Steel Flange sop Blind flange
JIS 10k Flange Blind Flange Carbon steel Flange
Blind Flange Carbon steel Flange Slip on Flange
SOP JIS Flange Cardon steel Forging Flange
Carbon Steel JIS 10K SOP Flange
16k Soh Flange Carbon Steel Flange Jis Flange
JIS 16k Flange Carbon steel Blind Flange Forging
SOH JIS Flange Forging Flange Carbon steel Flange
SOH JIS Flange Forging Carbon steel Flange
JIS B2220 Carbon Steel 16K SOP Flange
JIS 16K SOH Carbon Steel Flange
Forged ASME B16.5 Flange Class 150#
Carbon Steel Class 150 Slip-on Flange
150LB carbon steel forging flange
4" slip-on flange /Q235 flange
SS304 slip-on flange/class 150 flange
class 150 welding neck/carbon steel flange
ASME 16.5 A105 Carbon Steel Slip-On Flange
carbon steel blind flange/class 150# flange
ASME B16.9 Standard Class 150 Slip-on Flange
Class 150# Welding Neck Flange
Slip-on Flange/class 150 flange
class 150 slip-on flange/ss304 flange
class 150 slip-on flange/carbon steel flange
Carbon Steel Slip-on Flange 24"
ASME B16.5 forged flange/class 150 slip-on flange
Carbon Steel class 150 slip-on flange
Class 150 Slip-on Flange Dimensions
class 150 slip-on flange/flange
Class 300 Lap Joint Forged flange
ASME B16.5 Lap Joint Class 300 Flange
class 300 lap joint flange/carbon steel flange
Mengcun County Class 300 Lap Joint Flange
Carbon Steel Class 300 Lap Joint Flange
class 600 welding neck flange/carbon steel flange
Carbon Steel Class 600 Welding Neck Flange
Hebei Class 600 Welding Neck Flange
ASME B16.5 Class 600 Welding Neck Flange
GOST/ГОСТ 12820-80 Forged Flange PN6
JIMENG GROUP Supply High Quality Carbon Steel GOST 12820-80 PN6 Slip-on Flanges
JIMENG GROUP Supply High Quality Carbon Steel GOST 12820-80 PN10 Slip-on Flanges
JIMENG GROUP High Quality Carbon Steel GOST 12820-80 PN16 Slip-on Flanges
JIMENG GROUP Supply High Quality Carbon Steel GOST 12820-80 PN25 Slip-on Flanges
GOST/ГОСТ 12820-80 Forged Flange PN10
GOST/ГОСТ 12820-80 Forged Flange PN16
GOST/ГОСТ 12820-80 Forged Flange PN25
GOST/ГОСТ 12820-80 Forged Flange PN40
JIMENG GROUP High Quality Carbon Steel GOST 12820-80 PN40 Slip-on Flanges
Forged Carbon Steel GOST 12820-80 PN40 Flange
Forged Carbon Steel GOST 12820-80 PN25 Flange
Forged Carbon Steel GOST 12820-80 PN16 Flange
JIMENG GROUP High Quality Carbon Steel GOST 12821-80 PN6 Welding Neck Flanges
JIMENG GROUP Supply High Quality Carbon Steel GOST 12821-80 PN10 Welding Neck Flanges
JIMENG GROUP Supply High Quality Carbon Steel GOST 12821-80 PN16 Welding Neck Flanges
JIMENG GROUP High Quality Carbon Steel GOST 12821-80 PN25 Welding Neck Flanges
JIMENG GROUP High Quality Carbon Steel GOST 12821-80 PN40 Welding Neck Flanges
GOST 12821-80 PN6 Welding Neck Flanges
GOST 12821-80 PN10 Welding Neck Flanges
GOST 12821-80 PN16 Welding Neck Flanges
High Pressure Carbon Steel GOST 12821-80 PN10 Welding Neck Flanges
High Pressure Carbon Steel GOST 12821-80 PN6 Welding Neck Flanges
High Pressure Carbon Steel GOST 12821-80 PN16 Welding Neck Flanges
High Pressure Carbon Steel Gost 12821-80 Pn25 Welding Neck Flanges
High Pressure Carbon Steel GOST 12821-80 PN 40 Welding Neck Flanges
Forged Carbon Steel Welding Neck Flange GOST 12821-80 PN40
Forged Carbon Steel Welding Neck Flange GOST 12821-80 PN25
Forged Carbon Steel Welding Neck Flange GOST 12821-80 PN16
Forged Carbon Steel Welding Neck Flange GOST 12821-80 PN10
High Pressure Carbon Steel GOST 12820-80 PN6 Slip-on Flanges
High Pressure Carbon Steel GOST 12820-80 PN10 Slip-on Flanges
High Pressure Carbon Steel GOST 12820-80 PN16 Slip-on Flanges
High Pressure Carbon Steel GOST 12820-80 PN25 Slip-on Flanges
GOST 12820-80 PN6 Plate Flange
GOST 12820-80 PN10 Plate Flange
GOST 12820-80 PN16 Plate Flange
GOST 12820-80 PN25 Plate Flange
DIN 2527 Blind Carbon Steel Flange
PN10 Blind flange Carbon Steel Forged DIN 2527
PN16 Blind flange stainless steel Forged DIN 2527
PN10 Blind flange Carbon Steel Forged DIN 2527
Carbon Steel Forged DIN2527 A105 Blind Flange
DIN2527 lap joint flange/carbon steel flange
Slip on Flange Q235 Carbon steel Flange DIN2573
DIN2527 Blind Flange/carbon steel flange
DIN2527 PN10 Welding Neck Flange
Carbon Steel DIN Standard Flange
DIN2633 flange PN16 welding neck flange stainless steel
DIN 2633 SLIP-ON flange Carbon Steel Forged
DIN2633 stainless steel flange Welding Neck
Carbon steel forged DIN2633 welding neck flange
DIN 2633 Carbon Steel Forged 20# Welding Neck Flange
DIN2633 carbon steel forged threaded flange
DIN 2633 slip-on flange/carbon steel flange
DIN 2632 Pn10 Welding Neck Flange
DIN 2632 Flange WN flange Carbon steel PN10
DIN 2632 flange PN10 welding neck flange stainless steel
DIN 2632 flange PN10 welding neck flange Carbon Steel
DIN 2632 flange PN10 Slot flange Carbon Steel
Slip on Flange Q235 Carbon steel Flange DIN 2632
DIN 2632 stainless steel forged flange
DIN 2632 slip-on flange/carbon steel flange
Carbon Steel DIN Standard Flange PN 10
DIN 2632 PN10 Stainless Steel flange 304
DIN 2632 PN10 Plate Stainless Steel Forging Flange
DIN2632 PN10 DN150 Stainless Steel SS304 Flange
Din2634 Pn25 Welding Neck Flange
DIN 2634 Carbon Steel Threaded Flange
flanges Welding neck SS316 flange DIN 2634
Special-shaped Carbon Steel Flange
flanges Welding neck SS304 flange DIN 2634
DIN 2634 flange PN16 welding neck flange Carbon Steel
flanges Welding neck SS316 flange DIN 2634
DIN 2634 Carbon Steel Forged Q235 Welding Neck Flange
DIN 2634 PN25 Stainless Steel flange 316L
DIN2634 PN25 DN300 Stainless Steel SS304 Flange
ASME WPB A234 Pipe Fittings-Carbon Steel Elbows
90 Degree Long Radius Carbon Steel Elbow
black steel pipe fittings tee, elbow, cap, reducer
GB12459-2005 Carbon Steel Seamless Elbow
Q235 90 Degree Long Radius Butt Weld Elbow
JISB2312 SCH80 Seamless Carbon Steel Butt Weld Elbows
carbon steel Seamless SCH160 A234 WPB 90deg LR elbow, tee, reducer and cap
Stainless Steel Butt Weld Elbow
60 Degree Long Radius Carbon Steel Elbow
DIN 2605 Seamless A234 WPB Elbow
Butt Welding Large Diameter 90 degree Seamless Stainless Steel Elbow
ASME 180 Degree Butt Welding Seamless Elbow
ASTM A234 WPB Carbon Steel Butt Weld ELBOW
Equal Elbow Buttweld SCH160 stainless steel welded pipe
Carbon Steel 90 Degree Long Radius Butt Weld Elbow
90 Degree Carbon Steel Long Redius Butt Weld Seamless Elbow
Carbon Steel ASTM A234 WPB Seamless Elbow
Carbon Steel High Quality Seamless Elbow
90 Degree Long Radius Seamless Elbow
Stpg370 Carbon Steel Seamless Elbows
GOST Stainless steel seamless elbow
90 Degree LR Elbow BW Carbon steel ASTM A234 WPB
Standard ASME B16.9 SCH40 Seamless Elbows
ASTM WPB A234-pipe fitting-carbon steel welding elbows
ASME Stainless Steel Butt-Welding Seamless pipe fitting-Elbow
Stainless Steel Seamless Fittings,150LB, Equal Tee, Elbow, Union, Bush, Reducer
ASME Stainless Steel Seamless Elbow
ASME SCH40 Stainless Steel Seamless Elbow
Carbon Steel Seamless Elbow 90°PN1.0
ASME Carbon Steel Elbow Seamless 90
45 Degree Long Radius Carbon Steel Elbow
90 Degree Long Radius Seamless Elbow
ASME Seamless Steel Pipe Fittings 90 Degree Elbow
45 Degree Carbon Steel Seamless Long Radius Elbow
GOST SCH40 Carbon Steel Long Radius Elbow
ASME SCH80 90 Degree Long Radius Elbow
90 Degree ASME A234 WPB Sch40 Long Radius Carbon Steel Elbow
Stainless Steel SCH160 Butt Weld Pipe Fitting-Elbow
Carbon Steel DIN 2605 90 Degree Long Radius elbow, tee, reducer and cap
Stainless Steel Seamless 90 Degree Long Radius Elbow
90 Degree Short Radius Carbon Steel Elbow
GOST Carbon Steel Seamless Short Radius Elbow
ASME Stainless Steel Seamless Elbow
45 Degree Carbon Steel Seamless Short Radius Elbow
SCH80 JIS Butt Weld Stainless Steel Short Radius Elbow
ASME A234 WPB Carbon Steel Seamless 90 Degree Short Radius Elbow
Stainless Steel Casting Pipe Tee
Stainless Steel 430L Butt Weld Casting Equal Tee
150 LBS Stainless Steel Casting Sch40 Pipe Tee
NPT Threaded 304 Class 150 Stainless Steel Casting Tee
All Standard Carbon Steel Forging Pipe tee
carbon steel GOST standard equal tee
High quality seamless carbon steel equal tee
4" Sand Blast Carbon Steel Pipe Tee
Stainless Steel Straight Pipe Tee
Stainless Steel 304/316L Pipe Sch40 Equal Tee
Best Price Stainless Steel Pipe Sch10-180 Straight Tee
Stainless Steel ANSI Standard Galvanized Straight Tee
Jimeng Brand Threaded High Pressure STD/XS Straight Pipe Tee
Carbon Steel Reducing Pipe Tee
Nature Surface Sch40 Carbon Steel Seamless Reducing Tee
10K Carbon Steel Seamless Sand Blasting Reducing Tee
Carbon Steel Gost Standard Reducer Tee
Big Size Black Painting Carbon Steel Reducing Seam Tee
Paint Carbon Steel Reducing Tee
GB Standard Carbon Steel Pipe Welding Reducing Tee
ASME Standard Wall Thickness STD Carbon Steel BE End Reducing Tee
GOST Standard Seamless Sand Blasting Tube Tee
carbon steel pipe reducing tee dimensions
seamless gost standard pipe tee
ASME/DIN/GOST/EN welded steel pipe fitting tee
gost standard alloy steel a234 sch80 straight tee
GOST Carbon Steel Butt Weld Equal Tee
Seamless Butt Weld Stainless Steel Tee
A234 WPB Steel Tee pipe fittings DIN
Seamless Butt Welded Carbon Steel Pipe Fitting Tee/DIN
DIN 2605 Carbon Steel A234 WPB STD Equal TEE
Carbon steel A234 WPB equal tee(ANSI,JIS,DIN,GB standard)
Alloy seamless high pressure steel pipe tee A335 P5
DIN/GOST/JIS good quality and best price pipe tee
DIN butt welding stainless tee
forged din 2605 equal pipe tee
carbon steel pipe fitting din 2615 tee
DIN carbon steel tee/High pressure welded tee
carbon steel pipe fitting din 2615 st37 seamless steel tee
Carbon Steel Pipe Fittings Jis Tee
steel pipe fitting TEE JIS B2312
JIS B2312 butt welded pipe fittings reducing tee
Carbon Steel Pipe Tee ASTM A234 WPB ASME B16.9 JIS DIN
Pipe Tee Jis STPT42 Carbon Steel
Carbon Steel Weld Fitting High Technology Durable Hot Sales Pipe Tee
Equal Tee Buttweld stainless steel welded pipe
high quality carbon steel pipe tees
Stainless Steel Weld Fitting High Technology Durable Hot Sales Pipe Tee
ASME B16.9 Buttweld STD pipe tee material
alloy pipe tee seamless a335 p5
1/2"-16"JIS seamless stainless steel equal tee
JIS standard high pressure pipe fitting tee
jis standard ss400 DN50 carbon steel tee
Carbon Steel Concentric Reducer
Black Carbon Steel Concentric Reducer
carbon steel Pipe Concentric Reducer joint
carbon steel A234 WPB 90deg LR elbow, tee, reducer and cap
90 Degree Reducer BW Carbon steel ASTM A234 WPB
Asme B16.9 Carbon Steel Material Reducing Tee Pipe Fitting
304 316 material stainless steel Pipe End cap
din 2615 butt welded carbon steel Ecc Reducer
Best quality carbon steel Pipe Concentric Reducer joint
ASTM A234 WPB SCH80 concentric reducers
concentric reducer CS A234 WPB
asme b16.9 carbon steel lateral reducing tee pipe fitting
ANSI B16.9 stainless steel reducer
butt weld black carbon steel seamless pipe fitting reducer
Butt Weld Seamless Carbon Steel Eccentric Reducer
Carbon steel seam eccentric reducer
sch80 hot galvanized carbon steel reducer
Forged ASTM A234 WPB carbon steel reducer
welded type stainless steel reducer
Carbon Steel Eccentric Reducer
ASME B16.9 carbon steel ecc reducer
Carbon Steel Concentric Reducer,ASTM A234 WPB SCH40
ANSI standard steel Ecc reducer
black paint oil pipe fitting ansi b16.9 seamless reducer
Carbon Steel Pipe REDUCER ASTM A234 WPB ASME B16.9 JIS DIN
carbon steel Pipe Concentric Reducer in cangzhou,hebei
Eccentric/Concentric Stainless Steel Reducer
DIN standard stainless steel reducer.
schedule 40 steel pipe fittings reducer, concentric/eccentric
JIS Standard Stainless Steel Butt-Welding Reducer
Din Carbon Steel Butt Welding A234 Seamless Reducer
astm a234 wpb sch 80 seamless reducer made in cangzhou
All Size Stainless Steel Butt Welding Seamless Reducer
carbon steel GOST standard pipe reducer
Black carbon steel concentric seamless pipe fitting reducer
stainless steel concentric seamless pipe fitting reducer
butt weld seamless stainless steel concentric reducer
Black carbon steel concentric seamless pipe fitting reducer
JIS standard seamless pipe fitting reducer
EN standard seamless pipe fitting reducer
AMSE standard seamless pipe fitting reducer
Black carbon thread steel concentric seamless pipe fitting reducer
stainless steel Eccentric seam pipe fitting reducer
BS standard seamless pipe fitting reducer
Carbon steel Eccentric seam reducer
Standard seamless pipe fitting reducer
butt welding seamless 20th grade reducer
butt welding seamless q234 steel reducer
butt welding seamless Q345 steel reducer
Butt welding concentric seamless stainless steel reducer
ISO standard stainless steel 304 316 316L concentric reducer
EN standard carbon steel q234 seamless pipe fitting reducer
DIN standard seamless stainless steel 304 316L reducer DN10-DN150
ISO standard Ф12.7-Ф152.4 reducer
Stainless Steel Pipe Fittings Reducer
Carbon Steel Pipe Fittings Reducer
butt weld seam carbon steel reducer
Black carbon steel concentric seam reducer
butt-welding/carbon steel pipe fittings steel reducer
UIN standard seam carbon steel reducer
DIN standard seam carbon steel reducer
GOST standard butt weld seam carbon steel pipe end reducer
Carbon steel standard concentric seam reducer
butt weld seam carbon steel pipe end reducer
Black carbon steel concentric seam pipe fitting reducer
butt weld forging seam carbon steel reducer
Steel concentric seam pipe fitting reducer
ASME B16.9 standard carbon steel concentric seam reducer
3A/IDF standard butt welding seamless stainless steel 304 316L reducer 1/2"-6"
Black carbon steel concentric seamless pipe fitting reducer
Carbon Steel Butt Welding Contric A234 Wpb Reducer
butt weld seam A234 Q235 20th carbon steel reducer
Standard butt weld seam carbon steel reducer
stainless steel 304 316L concentric seamless pipe fitting reducer
Hebei Jimeng Highstrength Flange-tubes Group Co.,Ltd.
Contact Person: Xuefeng Zhang
Address: North Circle Industrial Area of Mengcun County,Cangzhou,Hebei